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Base Test

Each runner has a unique starting point. We put you through a curated battery of tests to understand your base state and then recommend areas you need to work on to achieve your goals. Your base state does not always show a linear improvement, but that's ok. The goal is to see where you're at today, not last month, and learn how to move forwards.

How the Base Test Works

The fitness test consists of seven at-home exercises (demo videos below) and one 12-minute run (preferably outdoor but indoor treadmill runs are ok).

  • The at-home exercises will test your core endurance, holding positions of stress for as long as possible (you'll need a timer or someone who can time you). You'll also be tested on your balance and co-ordination to understand the differences between your left and right sides. We have also added a press-up test in there as well for upper body muscular endurance.

  • The 12-minute run will test your fitness. Using a wearable, time a 5-10 minute, ramp warm-up (starts easy and then builds to around a 7 out of 10) have a 2-3 min recovery and then run as far as you can for 12 minutes.

  • Allow an hour and complete all tests with about 5-10 mins recovery in between.

Let's get started

Enter your results

Fitness Test Form
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